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 Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015)

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MessageSujet: Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015)   Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) Icon_minitime6/27/2015, 18:47

Contrairement à ce qu'on pourrait croire, la télé anglaise continue de proposer des fictions anglaises tout au long de l'été.
Le journal britannique Express en fait la liste dans un récent article :

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Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) TV-drama-round-up-summer-Vicki-Power-586902

Summer television is not the drama-free wasteland it once was. For those who fail to see the fun in watching wall-to-wall Wimbledon or the Ashes in the coming weeks, the TV channels are offering plenty of juicy alternatives to sport.

Along with the return of long-running favourites, there are heart-wrenching true stories and dramatic adaptations of best-sellers to see us through the summer nights.

We’ve had a peep at the TV schedules and picked out the best of this season’s bumper crop of drama…

Life in Squares (BBC1, August)

The love affairs and serial bed hopping of the Bloomsbury Set of writers and artists is the subject of this three-part drama. Flavour-of-the-moment James Norton of Happy Valley fame plays Duncan Grant, the bisexual artist and potter who had a child with Vanessa Bell (Phoebe Fox), the artist and sister of Virginia Woolf (Lydia Leonard). Playing out over 40 years, the drama also stars Rupert Penry-Jones and Jack Davenport.

The Scandalous Lady W (BBC2, August)

Game Of Thrones’ Natalie Dormer takes the lead role in this one-off period drama based on the real-life tale of Lady Seymour Worsley, who scandalised Georgian England when she bucked the trend to run off with the man she loved.

All the salacious details come out when her husband Sir Richard (Endeavour’s Shaun Evans) takes her lover, Captain George Bisset (Cilla’s Aneurin Barnard), to court for defiling his “possession”, as he sees his wife. It’s the tale of a woman before her time.

Wentworth Prison (Channel 5, July)

The Australian reboot of Prisoner: Cell Block H returns for a third run. After “Queen” Bea Smith’s (Danielle Cormack) arrest for escaping and killing Brayden Holt, time has skipped forwards. Bea’s back behind bars, Franky Doyle (Nicole da Silva) has a new woman in her life and governor Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) is at the last-chance saloon after so many disasters on her watch. But before you can say “porridge”, she’s got a riot on her hands.

Danny and the Human Zoo (BBC1, August)

A screenplay by Lenny Henry for his master’s degree is brought to life by the BBC.

The 90-minute, part-fictionalised biography of the comedian’s early life in Dudley stars the unknown Kascion Franklin in the title role as the teen comic, who juggles a strict home life, chatting up girls and a burgeoning career on the comedy circuit until he gets his big break on TV. Lenny plays Danny’s father, Samson, with Doctor Who’s Arthur Darvill as his manager, Jonesy.

King for a Term (Sky Arts, July)

Idris Elba has barely got a spare moment. In between making a fourth series of BBC1’s Luther, starring in a raft of films and changing nappies – he became a father for the second time last year – Idris again steps behind the camera for Sky.

After the success of his 2013 film The Pavement Psychologist, Idris writes and directs a tale taken from his Hackney childhood, telling the heart-warming story of a young asthmatic boy’s first days at a school for disabled children.

Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) TV-308583

The Outcast (BBC1, July)

Downton Abbey’s Jessica Brown Findlay is the star name in this two-parter based on Sadie Jones’ award-winning novel set in post-war Britain.

She plays Alice, the fragile young wife of widowed ex-soldier Gilbert (Greg Wise), whose son Lewis (George Mackay) is enduring a difficult childhood following the loss of his mother. Set in the Home Counties, it’s a coming-of-age tale centring on the dark secrets that lurk beneath the surface of a conventional community.

The Trials of Jimmy Rose (ITV, August)

Sexy Beast co-stars Ray Winstone and Amanda Redman are reunited for this three-part drama about a notorious armed robber (Winstone) who gets a less than warm welcome from his wife Jackie (Redman) and their two grown-up children after serving his latest stint in the nick.

Aware he’s lost the faith and affection of his loved ones by choosing crime over family life, Jimmy tries to put his criminal ways behind him, but can he?

Unforgettable (Sky Living, July)

This police procedural has endured as much drama off screen as on – already cancelled twice, the show has been picked up by a different US channel and will now go on after this third run.

The opener sees NYPD detective Carrie Wells (Poppy Montgomery), a cop with a detailed photographic memory, and her partner and ex-boyfriend Al Burns (Dylan Walsh) working with the secret service on a murder investigation that involves a counterfeiting ring.

A Song for Jenny (BBC1, July)

Marking 10 years since the July bombings in London, this one-off film tells the true story of Julie Nicholson, whose daughter, Jenny, was killed in the terrorist attacks. Two-time Oscar nominee Emily Watson plays Julie, who resigned from her post as a priest after struggling to forgive her daughter’s killers.

Midsomer Murders’ Gwilym Lee plays Jenny’s boyfriend and Luther’s Steven Mackintosh is her father in a gruelling but gripping drama.

New Tricks (BBC1, August)

The last remaining original cast member, Dennis Waterman, bows out of the cold case detective series during its 12th and final run, making way for Larry Lamb to join in the second episode as Ted Case. Another newcomer is ex-EastEnder Tracy Ann Oberman as Fiona Kennedy, a forensic pathologist and girlfriend of Nicholas Lyndhurst’s Danny Griffin.

Tamzin Outhwaite leads the Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad as DCI Sasha Miller.

Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015)   Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) Icon_minitime6/27/2015, 18:59

Il n'y a que les 2 premières qui m'intéressent.

Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) Master11
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Reindeer Jumper

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MessageSujet: Re: Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015)   Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) Icon_minitime7/9/2015, 15:27

Les 2 premiers ont l'air très bien en effet !
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MessageSujet: Re: Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015)   Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) Icon_minitime7/9/2015, 19:28

J'ai très envie de visionner Life in Squares, The Scandalous Lady W et The Outcast. De quoi bien s'occuper!

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MessageSujet: Re: Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015)   Des dramas anglais pour cet été (2015) Icon_minitime7/9/2015, 20:08

Tout pareil que Fanny. Ce sont vraiment ces 3 dramas là qui m'intéressent le plus. Very Happy
La série d'Idris Elba, King for a Term, m'intrigue aussi.

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