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 Life in a Cold Climate: Nancy Mitford - The Biography de Laura Thompson

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MessageSujet: Life in a Cold Climate: Nancy Mitford - The Biography de Laura Thompson   Life in a Cold Climate: Nancy Mitford - The Biography de Laura Thompson Icon_minitimeMar 28 Juil - 9:05

Cette biographie signée Laura Thompson sort directement en paperback le 10 octobre  Very Happy

Life in a Cold Climate: Nancy Mitford - The Biography de Laura Thompson 9781789542660

Citation :
Nancy Mitford was, in the words of her sister Lady Diana Mosley, 'very, very complex'. Her biographies and novels, her journalism, and the vast body of letters to her family, friends such as Evelyn Waugh, and to the great love of her life, Gaston Palewski, all tell an intriguing story. Drawing from these, as well as conversations with Mitford's two surviving sisters and colleagues, prize-winning author Laura Thompson has fashioned a portrait of a contradictory and courageous woman.
Thompson approaches her subject with wit, perspicacity and affection, while eschewing cliches about the eccentricities of the Mitford clan. Life in a Cold Climate is full of the sound of Mitfordian laughter; but tells also the often paradoxical and complex story beneath the smiling and ever elegant facade.

Life in a Cold Climate: Nancy Mitford - The Biography de Laura Thompson 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Life in a Cold Climate: Nancy Mitford - The Biography de Laura Thompson   Life in a Cold Climate: Nancy Mitford - The Biography de Laura Thompson Icon_minitimeSam 1 Aoû - 20:01

Ce livre m'intéresse, surtout s'il se concentre sur Nancy Mitford sans en faire une biographie de toutes ses sœurs.
Il semble très bien documenté, c'est un plus. Smile

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